Automated Storage Systems The 3 Main Categories
Automated Storage Towers/Shuttles consist of two stacks of densely packed shelving with a central rapid retrieval crane to present trays to a pick face. Speeds are increased and opportunities are created to constantly maximise storage density in real-time through height-optimised put-away systems.
Vertical Carousels remain a highly cost-effective solution for utilising as much height as possible in your small parts storage. Working on the goods-to-man principal and using fixed apertures, they can reduce the footprint dedicated to storage massively, with all the same security and waist height handling benefits.
Horizontal Carousels – if maximum pick rates per operator are your main driver rather than minimising the footprint, the pick rates achieved by a well-designed horizontal carousel can be among the quickest. Horizontal Carousels can also be stacked on top of each other on mezzanines or structural steel to utilise height as well.
![Automated storage Kardex Remstar system](